Wednesday 15 December 2010

Evaluation Question 6) What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process Of Constructing This Product?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Throughout this project I have learnt and developed my existing knowledge on many new technologies which were beneficial and will continue to benefit me in the future. The technologies and skills learnt are below.

As stated in a previous post ‘Adobe Photoshop Skills’ I have gained many skills in this area of technology. Before starting this coursework, I had quite a good understanding of Photoshop and how it work. However, constructing this product has widened my knowledge further. I learnt many news skills, and the main skill learnt which I have used throughout is the blending options. Despite working with Photoshop before, I had never met this tool. Blending options allowed me to add effects to writing which secured my product in being successful. To access full details of Adobe Photoshop skills used, you can visit older posts.

A new technology I learnt was how to blog work. I had never used blogging before so at the beginning of this coursework, it was all new to me. I picked up skills on blogging quickly, learning how to save work conducted on Photoshop as a jpeg, allowing it to be updated to my blog. Another skill I learnt was how to update work I produced on PowerPoint. After exploring different ways and having thoughts that it was impossible, I discovered Without this I would not have been able to explore dynamic ways of presenting my work.

I learnt how to download fonts and use them in my product. I used a website, Dafont is a website which allowed me to see my music magazine name visual in thousands of different fonts, I was able to compare fonts and then choose what I believed to be the most successful.

Another programme which I used when constructing this product was Pages. This programme is available on Apple Macs, the device I used throughout the making of my product. I used Pages to create my double page spread feature article. I learnt how to add columns allowing my work to visually be notified as an article, which is the main aim I wanted to achieve. I used big letters in some areas for the starts of sentences, which is a convention existing magazines use. 

Skills in photography were also learnt. I learnt how to plan and conduct a photo shoot, carrying out all elements successfully. I also learnt how to use lightening in my photography to capture successful images which I was aiming to achieve. Camera angels were also a big skill which I learnt; I learnt how to capture mid-shots, low camera angel, bird’s eye view and many more.
Not necessarily a technology but I learnt how to flat plan. Flat planning allowed me to have an intense base to work from in my production itself. I learnt how to sketch and then develop ideas further.
These links allow you to access elements of my blog discussed and websites used.

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