Thursday 2 December 2010

Process, How I Overcome Difficulties And Changes Made With My Magazine Cover...

Throughout the making of my magazine cover, I followed my flat plans and inspiration from existing magazines. During the making of this, I used my Adobe Photoshop skills throughout. Firstly, I placed my masthead which I had previously made onto my new A4 Photoshop page. As previously decided, my masthead would be at the top, siding to the right, giving an pop feel, almost popping from the side. Then, I found a ideal bar code, essential for publications. I fiddled around, positioning it in different places, yet I decided to stick to my flat plan, flipped my bar code sideways and placed next to my masthead. I used inspiration from Mixmag in this part and my layering skills learnt and overlapped my bar code onto masthead, yet masthead text was still visual. Another essential aspect  for a publication is to include date and price, I then made a border for my magazine front cover allowing it to stand out. I chose the colour using colour picker as stated in previous post. I inserted my image which I had previously chosen and decided to it would take up the whole of my background as it is striking and stands out, making strong eye contact with the audience. This worked well.

Then I went on to insert my dancing image, this is where difficulties irrupted. I had already made the dancing image (step by step in previous post) yet it did not work as well as I planned. I planned for the image to be small, yet the features of shadowing was difficult to see. I used the magnetic lasso tool to take away the white background and have the image almost dancing into the background, yet this was no visually pleasing. So I added the border back and white background. I added text yet it was difficult to read, so I also added a border to this.

This is the second screen grab I took, during the process of making my publicatiton. This was when I thought I was finished, yet when analytically looking at my magazine, I found faults. I had added everything on my flat plain, yet choice of colour and font, did not in my opinion seem appealing. I felt the purple colour needed to be pink to convey a continuous feel in my magazine, like existing magazines. I also changed the brown font to pink because of this. I  felt the font of the lure did not work, it gave a more fountain pen, old feel which I believe to appeal to older generations as this is not my target audience, I decided to change it to a more young, curvy font.
After many edits because of difficulties, this is my final magazine cover. From the two images above you can see how it has been made and the changes which have been made. Analysis of this magazine publication and annotations of selected areas will be published in a future post.

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