Wednesday 10 November 2010

Flat Plans For Front Cover and Contents Page

Front Cover Flat Plan

Contents Page Flat Plan

I decided on creating a flat plan in which was designing my magazine and contents page. I thought about all different devices other successful magazines use which I have gained knowledge and understanding from during the researching of magazine and then interpreted them for my own ideas in my own way. I feel my flat plans have given me a good base to work from now in the making process.
If I had not designed a flat plan, I would of made some mistakes when making which would have put my magazine at a low standard. For example, when looking at my contents page, I feel it may be too messy and not exact, therefore users would not be able to navigate my magazine thoroughly so when making this on Adobe Photoshop, I will make sure it is neat, which will therefore will reject limiting target audience and widen it. Also, when I was physically drawing my flat plans, I focused alot on typography and sizes, this ensured when stored in shelves, it would not be missed. I will now work from my flat plan to make my magazine and contents page successfully, reaching out to a wide yet young target audience.

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