Thursday 16 December 2010

What I Learnt From My Audience Feedback

As a class, we conducted a task where we was able to analysis each others music publications, in order to see what worked successfully and what didn't. I learnt alot from this and released that some of my intentions were not met.

Two main points I learnt were:
  •  I did not reach my target audience successfully, which therefore lead to me not meeting my intention of reducing gender inequality. 
  • The genre of music was not clear enough.
I learnt in order to improve this, portray gender equality, allowing my magazine to stand out appealing to both genders. To do this, I could have used images of both genders and colours which appeal to the male population. To improve upon the genre being clear, I could have gave away a music CD, instead of a dance. I could have used microphones and such in my images.

Despite the negative points, I also had some positive feedback. Out of 3 people, 2 correctly identified my genre of music publication and they identified it by how I intended to, for example, masthead and colours. The female target audience was also identified correctly through use of image which is what I chose. I feel despite the negative points, my magazine was still successful.

Audience feedback was useful and I have learnt from it so in future when I design and make a publication, I know how to reach out to my target audience successfully. I could also talk to my audience before making the publication and see how they would portray an audience or a genre to gain knowledge which will also of lead to a higher standard, more successful music publication. This is an element I could use in future publications, not only magazines but websites, films, etc.

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