Sunday 7 November 2010

Target Audience Profile

After planning for publication and having a clear mind of my target audience, In class we  emphasised this visually through a Target Audience profile, full of images which I believe appropriate to represent my target audience.

I created this target audience profile using Photoshop, I used images from Google and manipulated layers, overlapping to show how close, yet diverse my target audience is. My intention is for my music press magazine to appeal to both genders to ensure gender equality and decrease male dominance. Because of this, I included images which would appeal to both, use of catwalk models would appeal highly to girls and football appealing to the majority of boys. I included images of current POP artist because this is the genre my magazine is focused on and therefore, conveying current artist will represent my target audience. I used logos of social networking sites, Twitter, Facebook and MSN as my magazine being aimed at young people, who are statistically proven the most likely to use these sites, this will therefore represent them. The use of social networking will also secure my target audience close together. I have clearly placed a Union Jack in the middle of my target audience profile, identifying that my magazine will appeal to the United Kingdom population, being in the middle of the page secures its efficiency. The font that I used to detail the target audience profile is a handwritten font and therefore could be seen as ideal for my target audience, it is mature but not ancient or bold. It also emphasises the appeal of both genders.

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