Sunday 7 November 2010

Planning for Publication

Planning for publication was a task where I planned out ideas for my music magazine on paper, in doing this, I was enabling myself to gain a clearer understanding and a wider knowledge of who exactly I am targeting, what exact genre I want to work within and what is the purpose and intention. Planning on paper, is a quick way of presenting and creating flows of ideas.

Here is my plan...

Something you can see from just looking at my plan is artistic skills and my love for typography. This will then have a big impact on viewers minds as I believe this shows style in my work which is sure to continue throughout.

Firstly, my chosen genre to work within is POP. I have noted many different ways to explore this. I will use typography, something I idolise. I have already noted some ideas of the ways in which I will do this, I will use a number of fonts, imitating the various different artist in POP genre. I will also give an upbeat feel through use of typography, which will re-enact the music genre.

Secondly, I have noted that I will include celebrity gossip as I feel this is a must in attracting audiences. I will also include reviews to provide audience with entertainment. This will educate young people about the history, media and urban scenes.

I then went on to look at gratification theory...
  • Diversion - allowing the readers to escape or release from every day pressure
  • Personal Companionship - identification with artists and socialising through discussions
  • Personal Identity - allowing readers to compare one's own life with the artist and situations presented within lyrics and music genre.
  • Surveillance - allowing insight about what is going on in the world through media.

Finally, I looked at Demographics and Psychographics. I discovered that my publication will be aimed at the London/urban area, with an audience of 14 - 24 year old, opening where necessary. It will be aimed at both genders, securing gender equality. Psychographics, I wanted to engage people who were looking to gain a wider knowledge of music genre and strictly people who were aiming to succeed.

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