Sunday 28 November 2010

The Making Of My Dancing Image

I wanted to be different from other music press magazine, I felt this would attract a wider target audience as it is more likely to stand out. To do this, I had to work with a range of images I had prepared in my plan. I used Adobe Photoshop to create this eye-catching piece.

Here are the five images I worked from...

The making process 

Once I had the base of my images to work from I then opened my image on Adobe Photoshop, where I used the magnetic lasso tool to crop around the figure, to define the body. Once all the figure was lassoed, I copied and pasted it onto a different document. I done this for all my five images.
I then duplicated the layer in which the figure had been pasted on, and decreased the opacity. I then hid this beneath the orginal image. This acted like a shadow of the image. This could also been seen as re-enacting the music genre, as pop can be seen as loud and the shadow can be seen as echoing this. I continued this process for every image.
This is my outcome of dancing image. This was a time consuming process, yet I believe worth it. After each image had been made and duplicated, I rearranged the composition, so only a limited amount of white background was seen. I believe this image works well and emphasises my chosen music genre. The shadowing reinforces music itself and the sound. This image will have a positive impact to my music press magazine.

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