Sunday 28 November 2010

How I Selected My Photographs..

I felt my photo shoot went well, I followed my plan which I had made and worked with my models to produce the best photographs possible. In order to carry out to ensure I used these photographs in a successful way, I kept my images organised. By this, I made a folder for my photo shoot and sub folders inside this, this ensured my images would not go missing and I was able to look at all images and choose the most successful outcome.

 This is how I selected my photographs...

I opened my document folder where I had saved both photo shoots separately. This is a screen shoot of my folder, it shows how organised I was which is a key aspect for success.

 As Nicole Mae (the main music star for my magazine) was the first photo shoot I conducted, I felt it would be good to open her folder and decide on her selected images first.

When opening folder, I was able to view all the images from her photo shoot together. This was effective as I could view the images which worked well next to the ones which didn't, recognising strong differences which I would not of been able to do if I never organised my images or took only one photograph. I looked at the images for a long time, but came to a decision...

I have circled the images which I have chosen to use on my magazine front cover and contents page. There are many reasons for these choices, which you will be updated with soon, continue reading future posts to keep updated!

I have used the same technique when selecting the images for my second photo shoot, here is the process...

I  went back onto my 'Photo Shoot For Music Magazine' folder, and then selected 'Photo Shoot 2 - Girl Band'. This is where my second photographs are kept safely.

In this photo shoot, I collected more images than the first. This was due to having enthusiastic models who were eager to take photographs, which differs from my first model. This is something I learnt. I looked through the images, making them of a larger scale where necessary and then came to a decision...

As I have mentioned above, I used the same procedure, circling my chosen images. An analysis, plus annotations of these images will be posted in future posts, don't miss out.

How I organised my photo shoot, backed up by the planning done was key to success. If I had never conducted a plan and a well organised photo shoot, my images and how I went about choosing them would not be of the high standard which I believe they are. I have visualised all my images in screen shoots above allowing viewers of my blog insight into how to conduct and choose the right images! This procedure of me selecting the right images, I believe made my front cover and contents page work.

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